हरि-शब्द एकवचन द्विवचन बहुवचन प्रथमा हरि: हरी हरय: द्वितीया हरिम् हरी हरीन् तृतीया हरिणा हरिभ्याम् हरिभिः चतुर्थी हरये हरिभ्याम् हरिभ्यः पञ्चमी हरे: हरिभ्याम् हरिभ्यः षष्ठी हरे: हरयों: हरीणाम् सप्तमी...
विभक्तिज्ञान Below is given the name of different Vivakti and Karak with their relative meaning and use. Karak symbolizes the main function of the Vivakti. कारक विभक्ति विभक्ति...
लिङ्ग In sanskrit Sanskrit consists of three types of gender. They are male, female and gender neutral. We should not say the gender after seeing any material. We have...
प्रथमः विभक्ति is also called कर्ता कारक. It denotes to the person who do the work. For example रामने , श्यामने, हरिने, सीताने. Note : If you have to...
Overview Dear friends, in first day you learn about एकवचन ,द्विवचन ,बहुवचन and in second day you learn about धातु रुप (प्रथमपुरुष, मध्यमपुरुष, उत्तमपुरुष). Today, in this article we...
Introduction: You have learn person in english as i/we as 1st, you for 2nd and he/she for 3rd. Sanskrit have different approach for the person. It have 1st person,...
) Introduction We only listen singular and plural in many languages including english but sanskrit have dual also. What does dual means ? If singular is for single thing...